June 9, 2021

11 Tips for Delivering Greener Machines

Going green is more than just good for the planet, it is good for your bottom line. Whether you are a machine or industrial manufacturer, fleet operator, or end user, having more efficient operations lowers costs, increases profits, and drives increased customer satisfaction. However, many organizations are not sure how to get started with an environmental impact initiative. It doesn’t need to be challenging. In fact, Elevāt has built in sustainability metrics that make going green easy.

“The global conversation about climate change, exemplified by the implementation of UN sustainability targets, will compel construction companies and materials suppliers to factor sustainability into their products, construction processes, and designs.” - McKinsey - The Next Normal in Construction

Making Sustainability Easy

The main factors to consider for a green initiative include:

1. Optimization of Machine Operations

Optimization includes fuel consumption, vehicle tracing, operator performance, and machine maintenance. These all impact not only how green your operations are, but also how efficiently your machine operates. 

2. Saving on Fuel Consumption

It’s a little known fact that idle time is the number one fuel consumption culprit. Utilizing machine idle tracking leads to impressive reductions in your carbon footprint and measurably cuts fuel costs.

3. Machine Asset Tracking

Knowing where all your machine assets are and how they are being used means you can dispatch the nearest asset instead of inefficiently managing your inventory. It saves money, time, and gets your projects completed faster.

4. Driving Operator Behavior

Knowing exactly how your machine and industrial assets are being used in the field provides a window into where operator behavior can be impacting your overall environmental footprint, not to mention your operational efficiency. 

5. Enhancing Performance and Output

Making sure your machines’ consumable parts are replaced in a timely manner ensures optimal performance while minimizing poor performance and breakdowns.

6. Real Time Insights

The sooner you know what is happening out in the field the faster you can take action to improve performance and enhance your savings and sustainability. Whether your machine isn’t performing optimally due to worn parts or another cause you can determine that quickly and easily.

7. Proactive Alerts

With Elevāt, alerts can be sent to any device for immediate insights. Elevāt helps you detect when parts are starting to fail instead of replacing parts on an automatic interval. With increased data points that provide details of engine performance, you can avoid failures.

8. Engineering a Better Machine

As a manufacturer of machines, R&D is an important aspect of engineering the next generation of machines. Knowing not only how machines are performing in the real world, but how they are utilized is critical to what features to build into your new machine designs.

9. Electrification

Today, many fleet operators and end users are seeking machine product lines that include hybrid or full electric vehicles. While electric vehicles offer green benefits, they can also have limitations. For manufacturers, understanding how you can deliver a full-featured machine while transitioning to hybrid and electric designs is key.

10. Component Sizing

Another engineering consideration includes the sizing of components. Machine use data can provide insights to where components can be changed out to deliver the output and efficiency required while providing sustainability.

11. Design Innovations

Take the guesswork out of developing machine design innovations. Maximize performance by seeing insights into actual use and the data to back it up. 

Elevāt is designed to make implementing a green initiative easy. Start getting the data you need to make your operations more efficient and, more importantly, sustainable. Contact us today to learn more about going green.